Increasing funding for Quality Education
Led by Teachers and Parents
The Current State of Our Schools
Parents are the primary educators of their students, and together with the amazing teachers and staff of the Anoka-Hennepin and Spring Lake Park School districts, our students are learning new ideas and skills that are preparing them to live in the real world. Although Anoka-Hennepin School District is well known for its academics, there have been downturns recently that have affected the proficiency and safety of students.
In the Anoka-Hennepin School District as of 2022, only 50.7% of Third Grade students can read at grade level. In 2023, Blaine High School's passing rate for the 10th Grade Reading MCA was 51.7%, a 10% drop from 2022. This decline is not the result of inadequate teachers or bad schools, it is due to inappropriately managed policies that are not focused on the success of student learning. These declining trends started before the Covid-19 pandemic and have continued to fall.

Removing Politics from the Classroom
In the Anoka-Hennepin schools, many teachers have cited the concern of political narratives and ideologies being used in classroom curricula. Teachers are also being forced to use specific gender pronouns and names for students without parental knowledge.
Students at Blaine High School are allowed to use bathrooms that have stalls for both male and female students. This creates an unsafe environment for new students and female students who need adequate privacy throughout the school day.
Parents are also being left out of many important conversations regarding their student's education. We need to make sure that parental voices are heard and listened to at our schools. Together, teachers and parents can work together for the same mission of giving our children the best education possible.
Defending Our Nation's History in School
The threat of erasing history through the new proposed Minnesota State Social Studies Standards needs to be confronted by parents, teachers, school districts, and state legislators. These proposed changes have completely reimagined United States History.
All history needs to be taught in schools, including the struggles of American slavery, systemic racism, gender discrimination, native treaties, and any laws or systems that prevented the full enfranchisement of American citizens or immigrants. Our history also needs to focus on the successes, including the creation of our nation's government, the abolition of slavery, defense of civil rights, native rights, defeating communism, and fostering the greatest democracy in the world. Students need to learn about both the struggles and successes of American history to become the strong and informed citizens that will uphold our city on a hill.

What Alex Moe Will
Do For You
Increase funding to teachers and schools to ensure educators feel supported and appreciated for the important and challenging job they do.
Collaborate with the Anoka-Hennepin and Spring Lake Park School Boards to ensure that academic proficiency, teacher support, the removal of politics from the classroom, parental involvement, and classroom safety are prioritized in state legislation.
Reject the currently proposed Minnesota State Social Studies Standards and allow students to learn about both the struggles and achievements of the United States to become informed citizens.
Ensure that civics curricula continue to be taught in our schools in elementary, middle, and high schools to teach students how to live in a republic that enshrines the values of equality, rule of law, and freedom.
Protect female dignity in all school sports by ensuring that team players and participants join teams and use bathrooms and locker rooms that correspond to their biological sex.
Support school choice that gives parents the right to choose which schools their children attend, including public, private, and charter schools.